The Institute , MSIT ( Meghnad Saha Institute of Technology ) uses computers as one way of enhancing its mission to teach the skills, knowledge and behavior’s. Computers provide unequaled opportunities to explore and use a varied and exciting set of resources. In order to make these resources available to everyone, those who use the Institute’s available IT resources, must do so in a way that is consistent with their educational mission.
Purpose and Scope of the document
Purpose of this policy is to define the appropriate uses of the internet by the students,faculties & staffs of MSIT. This policy applies to all internet users (Faculty, Technical staff, Administrative staffs, contractual / temporary staffs and Students and Research Scholars) who access internet facility provided by MSIT through Wired or WiFi networking. The internet users are expected to be familiar with and to comply with this policy.
Application – Approval & Removal Procedure
Students: All the students are required to submit and internet access request form to the CC through TIC / HOD
Faculty/Staff: Faculty and staff members have to submit their duly signed request to the CC for getting the access.
Applications will be examined and approved at CC and a username and password will be given to the user.All the activities using this user id is logged at the CC and the user is solemnly responsible for any activities associated with their user id.
Internet access will be discontinued upon completion of study of student, completion of contract, transfer of faculty/staff, or any disciplinary action arising from violation of this policy.The privileges granted to uses and continue sly monitored and may be revoked at any time if it is no longer needed by the user.
Authenticate before you Connect
Every user is required to authenticate & have necessary authorization before accessing college Internet through their individual Login-Credential provided by CC. Users will be solely responsible for any activity originating from their account. Accounts and passwords should not under any circumstances be used / shared by any other persons other those to whom they have been assigned by CC. In case of unauthorized use of account is detected or suspected, the account owner should change the password and report the incident to CC.
Following downloads /activities are strictly not allowed on computers
Any peer to peer file sharing application: ( e.g:- uTorrent , Bit-Torrent , Vuze or any of these kind etc. Such applications may be used to utilize bandwidth inappropriately. Further, these applications contain third-party applications – called adware or spyware, that collect information about a user’s Web surfing habits, & change system settings, or place unwanted advertising on the local computer ).
Usage of any third party personal antivirus or firewall: ( Since adequate security has already been provided for on all machines via pre-defined firewall rules, third party firewalls may interfere with these rules thus endangering the network ) is strictly prohibited.
Any sort of Proxy Servers, Tunneling Software, Connectivity sharing software , Hacking Tools of any sort: The use of any such tools on college network is strictly prohibited.
Downloading / Playing / Storing / Distributing of Video Games , Movies / Trailers ( other than academic ) using Internet is strictly prohibited.
Downloading of any file from Internet, greater than 500MB is restricted.
Downloading of any video content ( Flash / MP4 / 3gp etc.) using any third-party plugins / software ( e.g Youtube Downloader / Internet download Manager etc.) is strictly prohibited.
Blocked Site by Category
Alcohol Chat Drug File Storage Gambling Lingerie / Bikini P2P / Torrent Podcasts Sexuality Sports Tobacco Visual Search Engine Cartoons / Comics E-Commerce Games Instant Messaging Movies Proxy / Anonymizer Social Networking Travel Weapon Adware Dating Music Nudity Pornography Video Sharing Web Spam Television File Sharing Please Note
Users must not use College Internet facility for any political campaign / promotion / personal economic gain / business goal / advertisement etc. through any activity.
Users must remember that bandwidth is precious & costly. Internet facility is being provided for academic usage / activities only to it’s staff & students not for their personal entertainment / need. They must not abuse this privilege. Any activity that is not directly or indirectly related with MSIT , will be considered as irrelevant. Users should also note that their usage of College Internet are not completely private. As part the security measures, all the activities are logged and monitored at CC.The MSIT College authority, in its own discretion may disclose the results of any such general or individual monitoring including the contents and records of communication to the appropriate authorities and may use those results for disciplinary procedures.
- College WiFi (‘MSITSTAFF-XXXX-XX’ & ‘MSITSTUDENT-XXXX-XX’) is available in the whole campus.
Two seperate Wi-Fi Zones are available for Student & Staff ( Teaching & Non Teaching ).
Bandwidth is restricted on both Wi-Fi zone & it may vary depending on situation.
Wi-Fi Facility will not be provided to Students’ or Staffs’ personal mobile / Tablet / Android Device.
Access to college WiFi is restricted to registered users & registered device only.
One willing to avail the WiFi facility, must submit an application in prescribed format & personally bring the device to register at CC.
Number of concurrent USER in Student Wi-Fi Zone is restricted to 100 & it may vary without any prior notice as per situation.
Usage of college Wi-Fi in an unregistered device by spoofing / hotspoting will be treated as violation of this policy.WiFi Users please Note
Wi-Fi users must authenticate themselves before accessing Internet or College Network using Login Credential provided by CC
In case of any unusual behavior or violation of policy , CC reserves the right to disconnect the user & even block the device for an indefinite period.
Users please remember , Wi-Fi is an privilege & added feature , provided by CC. it’s not a right.
CC reserves the full right where to install the Access-Point within MSIT Campus.
Staff ( Teaching / Non Teaching ) must not knock / appeal CC to provide / install AP at their zone.
In case of unavailability of Wi-Fi user may bring it to notice of CC.CC will try to mitigate the issue within two working days.( It may vary depending on situation ) Creation and activation of Official E‐mail account
Institutional E‐mail account in MSIT domain ( will be provided to each faculty, staff and students of MSIT.
CC will manage this service and any queries related with e‐mail services may be directed to
The general e‐mail address format used for student is
All types of academic activity or faculty /staff / students related correspondences will be sent to the Institutional e‐mail id.
Users are advised to check their email account regularly.
Users can access their E‐mail account through Gmail login page. During the first login,user have to change his/her temporary password.
The students who opt for branch change (if eligible) should communicate the branch change details along with the relevant documents to the CC ( for obtaining new official e‐mail ID. In such cases the old email ID will be permanently deleted.Guidelines for E‐mail usage
Misuse or abuse of electronic mail facility is punishable under Information Technology Act 2000,Government of India.
Institutional E‐mail services are a privilege, not a right. The official E‐mail account provided to a faculty, staff or student is meant for the official purpose only. Every mail user in our institute domain is bound to obey and follow the guidelines given below.
It is the users’ responsibility to keep their E‐mail account in good standing, not give out passwords, hold responsibility for any activity originating from that account and use the email account in ways that are responsible, ethical, lawful and professional.
As part of normal E‐mail management, CC collects various types of users’ data including login/logout times, types and frequencies of access and amount of resources used. This information can be analysed for various purposes relating to the management of the email systems. CC reserves the right to suspend or delete an e‐mail address that has been inactive for more than 3 months.
The users are strictly advised to post only the academic or research related mails or contents to the groups at different levels. The users are strictly advised not to indulge in any unacceptable behavior or activity in the E‐mail environment. The unacceptable behavior includes, but not limited to, distribution of unsolicited and unauthorized mass e‐mail to users,infringements of others’ privacy, interference with others’ work and illegal activity.
Posting harassing, abusive, obscene, harmful, illegal or objectionable contents, spamming group mails with undesired contents or messages to any users or mailing lists of our official domain are strictly forbidden.
Users who violate the above stated E‐mail usage policy will be subject to disciplinary action.
CC may monitor individual users suspected of violating this policy.
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