It gives me immense pleasure to welcome you toinitiate your journey in engineering, technology or management fields at this temple of learning, Meghnad Saha Institute of Technology (MSIT), one of the pioneering Degree Engineering Colleges in Kolkata, West Bengal which is AICTE approved, MAKAUT (Formerly WBUT) affiliated and established in 2001. The Institute aspires to be a Centre of Excellence in its areas of specialization and already has created an enviable track record of imparting excellent education for the aspiring engineers and managers.Under the aegis of Techno India Group, MSIT endeavours to achieve academic excellence through better teaching and a research oriented approach for the young intellectuals to prepare for their leadership roles in a competitive world.
Knowledge is an empowerment. It teaches life to take the right way by accepting challenges and making decisions in every field of work whenever required. We, at MSIT seek to bestow the right education to every student to help them excel in all the spheres in this competitive world. The institute provides state-of-the-art infrastructure for facilitating optimum resource allocation to each student in technical education.Eminently qualified, research minded, dynamic and committed faculty members (many with PhDs) provide dedicated teaching. The sprawling Central Library of the college has over 60000 books, digital library, spacious reading room and Institutional membership with IEEE for online Journals; Laboratory facilities at MSIT are second to none with more than 750 computers and other highly priced technical equipment and laboratory set-ups. DST/MNRE (GOI sponsored) research lab, State of the art English language lab, multiple AC seminar rooms and multi-faceted student amenities are some of the infrastructural USP.
We believe that college education is not entirely academic in nature but it extends beyond the classrooms, laboratories and workshops, to campus action groups, clubs, seminars, meetings, cultural & social activities and off course sporting events.To facilitate overall growth among students we always encourage our students to be members of the MSIT Rotaract Club, International Professional Bodies viz. MSIT IEEE Students’ Chapter, MSIT IEEE Electron Device Society Students’ Chapter, MSIT IET-UK Students’ Chapter, MSIT ACM Students’ Chapter; Institutional Clubs & Cells viz. Quiz & Debate Club, Photography Club, Dramatics Club, Games & Sports Club, Cultural Club named as Yuba, Coding Club, Tech Club named as Megatronics, Innovation, Incubation & Entrepreneurship Development Celletc. which in turn helps the students to broaden their knowledge in their field of work and networking with the professionals in their domain. Students are challenged here in many ways to unlock their potential and hone their strength and abilities. They will gain the confidence to push themselves towards new horizons. Regular competitions are organized in intra and inter-collegiate mode to make students more competitive in innovative tech fields, robotics, debate, quiz, presentations, cricket, football, Table Tennis etc. Students are encouraged a lot in innovative project realization, idea to proto type, Business plan competition etc. and they receive accolades and awards at various National level Project Competitions in regular manner. We encourage members of faculty and students to engage in cutting-edge research and present their research work in national and international conferences as well as publish in refereed international journals and they present handful of research papers at National / International Journals and Conferences with regular intervals. We are proud that our students stand tall in knowledge and application in today’s challenging world.
Institute is not a placement agency but always provides a good platform using which students get their jobs or go for higher studies. While recruiting graduates, companies look for effective English communication skill and a wholesome personality along with domain knowledge. We believe in empowering students by enhancing Employability Quotient among them. We, from the Institutes side offers various training programs round the year as add on programmes viz. Soft skill training, Aptitude Training, Communicative English Development workshops, Self-Believe-Confidence & Personality Development Training etc. to enhance their employability skill in regular manner. Excellent academic performance of students in University examinations, high strike rates for placement in top IT/Core sector companies as well as excellent rate of success for higher studies through GATE, CAT, GRE& GMAT always attract quality students to this college.The College has a rich alumni network and many alumni are holding good positions in a number of well-known organizations, not only in our country but abroad also.
We believe that every student is intelligent………..It is you & your sincere effort which will give you ultimate success, nothing else. Society always appreciates leaders. There is always fame for no.1. No 1 in any field. Try to be achiever, honest citizen, & true leader in this Global Society. MSIT is your opportunity for a successful future. I am hopeful that your study in this college for the next few years will prove to be a fruitful and glorious part of your career.Welcome aboard in MSIT Family and carve a niche for yourself.
We believe that professionals are made not born.